Social effects of the computers


What is social effects ?

The definition of the social effects is any significant or positive changes thats solve or at least address the social injustice and challenges. Such as Building a school in a society that does not have one when coming to this example this is a socially a positive impact it solved the problem of the uneducated majority to be educated.

How it effects through The computers ?

Charles Babbage is the inventor of computer he created the basic Frame architecture called  analythical engine then after  Certain off period passed they designed the first computer that is soo large in a size and still its not smart enough then computer are Classified into a tree generations such as
Gen 1
Gen 2
Gen 3
Each of Generation last for Certain periods in 1975 they invented personal computers its happens on 4th Gen as like that we got the now a day computers when computers are Developing their related functions like network communication had developed to due the rapid development in computers it expand though the Various fields such as

1 Education
2 At home
3 In business marketing
4 Bank sector
6 at Medical hospitals
7 Science Researches 
8 Government
9 Defense and security
10 Weather forecasting

For an example 

With the arrival of computers into education and studies, the standard and level of education have increased. Students are getting benefit from the computer either in school/colleges or even at home.

In fact, without computers, laptops, and especially Chrombooks, learning is limited within the walls of schools.

 because of this development of network and internet it has boost the Communication capabilities now we use it as to do our shopping stuffs . For this the Developers gave us the method of online shopping now a days we are buying our daily needs through online shopping method.

Now Sri-Lankan government is changing there old methods step by steps to the smart world as a example now we can request our results sheets through the online and it cost a little amount of money.

As for me social effects of the computers even greater than I imagine this is unstoppable growth i think in future we can stay a live after we die and communicate like AI with people we knew with projects as NeuroLink.
